Can anyone
do it?
What are
the health
From the fit to those with medical problems Nordic Walking has huge Health Benefits. One of the big benefits for me is that that Nordic Strides combines exercise with the great outdoors, which is proven to boost mood. Here are just a few more of the Health Benefits;
Physical Benefits
Uses 90% of your major muscles, equivalent to swimming.

What is Nordic
Nordic Walking uses specialised poles, which should not be confused with trekking poles. The poles are used on every stride, planting and pushing off to propel the walker along and give an all over body workout.
“Nordic Walking is an enhancement of ordinary walking…and twice as effective!”
Nordic Walking in York is particularly enjoyable taking in some of the beautiful historic parts of the City of York and the surrounding countryside.

News & dates
From the fit to those with medical problems Nordic Walking has huge Health Benefits. One of the big benefits for me is that that Nordic Walking combines exercise with the great outdoors, which is proven to boost mood. Here are just a few more of the Health Benefits;
Physical Benefits
Burns up to 46% more calor... Read more

Nordic Strides
proud to be part of the fastest growing activity in the UK
Yes, everyone is welcome at Nordic Strides; whatever your age, fitness level or goal Nordic Walking is unique in that it is beneficial for all.
Nordic Walking can reduce stress on lower joints by up to 20%, making it a great form of exercise for anyone with hip, knee and foot issues who would normally find exercising difficult.

Nordic Strides
proud to be part of the fastest growing activity in the UK

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