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From the fit to those with medical problems Nordic Walking has huge Health Benefits. One of the big benefits for me is that that Nordic Walking combines exercise with the great outdoors, which is proven to boost mood. Here are just a few more of the Health Benefits;

Physical Benefits

  • Uses 90% of your major muscles, equivalent to swimming.
  • Tones the upper and lower body at the same time.
  • Burns up to 46% more calories than ordinary walking
  • Use of specialised poles can reduce pressure on the joints, especially the knees.
  • It is one of the most effective cross training techniques
  • Specialised poles propel the walker along, making it easier to move faster without feeling the effort!

Additional Benefits

  • Can be done anywhere!
  • It appeals to all ages and fitness levels
  • Not expensive activity – no specialised clothing required.
  • It is easy to learn and keep up.
  • It is very social; participants can chat as they go!



Group exercising Nordic walking york



Mobile: 07912 867 823


Nordic Walking in woodlands


Nordic Walking in countryside



What are
the health benefits?



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